Schelstraete’s client; a company that, among other things, is active within the polo sport, had a total of fourteen polo horses transported from Argentina to the Netherlands in 2016 and 2017. After the arrival of the horses in the Netherlands and after being seen and tested by the client, the client decided to buy eleven out of the fourteen horses, which were also paid for by the client.
A few years later, in early 2019, the client was accused of not having paid for the horses, which is why the horses were reclaimed by the Argentinian seller. When the client did not comply, she was summoned by a German polo player who stated that he bought the alleged claims from the Argentinian seller. Among other things, in the legal proceedings, the German polo player claimed to hand over the horses to him along with the payment of a fee in excess of EUR 1.5 million for the use of the horses.
The client was able to successfully prove that she already paid for the horses, and even more than that, the reason why the court decided to dismiss the claims. So the German polo player bought a pig in a poke from the Argentinian seller.
Client was assisted by Joelle Bongers & Luc Schelstraete.